Jill BuitenhuisThe phenomenon of nesting. If there is one thing I have noticed during this pregnancy is that I am sometimes overwhelmed by waves of nesting urges. And these waves manifest themselves in all sorts of different forms of nesting urges. One moment it feels like you really need to buy everything now, because otherwise you'll never be able to. The other moment you think you have to buy at least 3 items of everything you already have in the house, so you have everything you need for every scenario. As you read, total madness of course, so that's why I started practicing different tips that help to get more peace of mind during these nesting urge waves. I've gathered my three favorite tips for you!
#1 - Checklists
Lists, lists and more lists. Lists really are my best friend during my pregnancy. I make lists for everything. This makes for much more peace of mind because I have in black and white what is needed. I would keep the following lists, with these lists you will create more peace in your mind.
- The list of essential baby stuff
- The list of stuff you need for yourself during labor and afterwards
- The list of to do's for the house, think of: decorating the nursery, the last cleaning jobs, preparing the cradle for the baby
- To do's around your pregnancy, think: fixing your health insurance, making the birth announcement card, writing the envelopes.
#2 - Stepping out of the nesting bubble for a while
Get out. Take a walk outside, listen to your favorite podcast, go check things off your to-do list for around the house. Cleaning, for example, is a very effective method to get out of your head for a while. Or, get on the phone with a friend and share your thoughts, the best therapy there is.
#3 - Give yourself permission to buy three items
Sometimes simply no one tip will help and you just really need to buy something, and especially the feeling of ordering something and having it back in your home creates peace of mind. Allow yourself to buy three items and then do so within twenty minutes, so that you're not completely distracted by everything else there is to order. A very efficient method, as you both quiet your nesting urges and enjoy the check-off feeling for a while!